Monday, 12 March 2012

new blog for new year

hey guys, since it's a new year and their for a bunch of new courses I've had to make a new blog to post my work on to be marked -

if you feel like it then feel free to follow it as this one as well as all my others I will no longer be using.  be seeing you

Sunday, 22 May 2011

concept 2 - Ying Yang

I decided to have fun with a well known symbol and create a 2 sided ying yang ball

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

concept final 1 (project 3)

the president image of a square like oriented pattern which consists of 3dish receptive lines

my concept 3D version which resembles a chineese lanturn (to scale 30mm by 30mm by 30mm)

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Final Model (Photo)

Unfortunately with the construction of this model it seams that the gap between the centre circle and the edge was too close with the thin X pieces and they snapped while I was trying to place them correctly (ironically they snapped perfectly into four pieces so I just went with it and created more detail in the centre)
I used three pieces of card for each slot to make it thicker and also to make it look unique (everyone else is using thin connections so I wanted to be different) but you do need to be a bit careful when handling the real thing, it moves easily (mainly the top piece) and I'm scared that something else may snap